Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Tuesday, nothing much to it, just a normal day,-school then back home. Today I considered life as a movie. You can edit it with just a simple alteration. Like pirates of the Caribbean everyone wants a source of youth where you can make reckless decisions and it will not bite you back in the ass.
I consider life as a `deja vu` where one decision automatically disqualifies the other. In every situation there are two sides of the coin;it is either one or the other. but even as a youth you can not be reckless especially if the heart is involved.
When you take a look at your life you focus on all the bad things that have happened and forget to appreciate all the flowers that are blossoming around you. A reckless decision to use a harmful weed killer instead of a well thought out weed killer(i.e. tested and certified) then most probably you would kill even then flowers.
what am trying to pass across is that life is not about guessing, not about doing things for the moment unless of-course you know your day of demise. Life involves well thought out plans and situations. Proper hypothesis are drawn out where life rules are proved and concluded. 
I came to understand that life aint a gamble. Everything is a wheel pulling the other forward or backward. The notion that most youth have, is that life` a cloth is your own knitting`, is vague and mystified. I believe in facts and proven theories. When you knit a cloth the thread used will be no matter what the next course of action is. You decide to remove it, it would still be used, you decide to add a different pattern it would still be used. No matter ,what is done is done!
Life can not be enjoyed, you just live it. Do as it pleases with you. Differ if  you may but it is the truth!

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