Friday 23 March 2012


If life was a bed of roses then we will be pricked each single day but it` is somehow pruned to perfection to keep everything in balance i.e. others will lie on it and die of little painful pricks others would feel the feeling as if it is love making - How rosy is life to such!
With nothing much to do I like to observe individuals, how peculiar they look! I try to be as much as possible look at people without judging eyes but it almost impossible, am not GOD you know(I ain`t all seeing)!
What has got me thinking at most is how people behave in the name of love. How much guys do lie to themselves that they love something but in the realest sense they are doing it because of circumstances e.g. Fashion trends that guys take up because they see it in the fashion channel(how interesting is human psychology). Do you know why celebrities got dressers and designers by their side - because they do not believe in looking like you but we go ahead and copy their style and the next time they reappear they have changed their look.
My point for that illustration was on the more obvious topic of relationships. Both parties would adapt to survive, change colour to fit in. Its all in the name of `love`. These things are done for better of both,  or so they think!
Take for example when a man cheats the first, when the woman does it later she will justify it by the fact that the man did it first talk about lying to thine self.
Relationships change like fashion trends some are good others are outright pathetic! If I wore a cloth that you once said looked bad on me then you pick it up and wear it justifying yourself that it now looks good on you!  Something looks good on you because you know how to own it so if you are a cheat its because you own it not that the other looks bad in it.
Small changes make a big difference they make a whole new specimen, like in DNA a small percentage difference makes a whole of  a lot. Things that were worn in the 90`s are now back. What was  considered bad then  by your parents is now good to you and the parent who wore it once sees it as an omen and lack of self respect or whatever you would call it. Point don`t be pretenders.t Be true do unto others what you would want them do unto you! Don`t justify yourself for a wrong, own it!
What you considered an evil before can not be a necessary evil now!
What you considered deleted ain't,it was just hidden!